Yoga For Weight Loss




  1. I've done two of your 30 day challenges already and damn, this is challenging. My mat was wet! Awesome sequence of poses and exercises and I feel like this is going to be another great challenge. You've made me love yoga and now it is not only a part of my daily life, but an absolute physical and mental need. Thanks so much!

  2. Tim.. You have no idea how your Yoga has strengthened my inner core. l used to run marathons but got involved in a car accident which left me with a weak hip bone. l couldnt run for 3 years, spent so much money going for therapy. l took a Yoga class for a month but it was too advanced for my level. l discovered your videos and been following them daily. My legs feel so strong and l feel ready to run again. Thank you so much.

  3. It would be great if the instructor would first demonstrate and then with regular timing do. As it is now one shakes and sweats standing on one leg, while he talks and talks. This is really quite awful.

  4. I've been busy and moving around a lot lately so I haven't been able to make it into a yoga studio for a while. So glad I found this channel. This was an amazing sequence and I am so looking forward to doing it again and recommending Tim to others! Thank you Tim πŸ™‚

  5. I always end up doing one of your intense practices after a day (or two) of unhealthy choices and it kick starts me right back into line. Thanks for that and also for your motivation at the end, too!

  6. I have always had a bit of body fat and I never imagined I had find a weight loss plan that could possibly help me to eliminate it until I tried the β€œfizy unique plan” (Google it). Lookup the β€œfizy unique plan” on Google for yourself and see just how easy it can be. You`ll like it, believe in me.

  7. challenging! i appreciated the spaces of silence in between and especially in savasanah ~ i usually skimp out on spending enough time at the end, it was nice you spent time with us. thanks !

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