Yoga For Weight Loss | Strengthen and Lengthen




  1. Thank you adrienne you help me more than you'll ever know dear one…God bless you greatly…I've been doing yoga with you for almost 6 months and if my sweets were yoga approved I'd be getting much better results lol but I'm getting better in that area as well I'm not giving up on yoga and doing better with eating habits gradually so I'll improve little at the time…I just want you to know you are a huge part of helping me almost everyday and I bow to you with the greatset of gratitude you are magnificent darling❤ you are helping to shape this world in a beautiful way and you deserve to feel amazing for that!

  2. I am still deeply in love with this video, how it is just the right pace, my inner pace and so how the challenge seems natural and never too much. Of course I am drenched in sweat from my toes to the tips of my braids. 🙂

  3. Today was the first time I finished an entire video, going through every single move without taking breaks and giving it my best. I started following your videos almost 1 month ago, already noticing huge progress. Practicing yoga turns out to be the only way I can cope with my anxiety and panic attacks. I'm beyond thankful to you for talking about different breathing techniques in your videos. I truly appreciate what you're doing. Sending you love from Georgia!!

  4. Thank you so much for this awesome videos! Your way of teaching and showing and explaining the positions is great to understand ! I really found a huge interest to yoga through your great work !

  5. Found some strength I didn't know I had but also some weakness! My knees don't let me stay in yogi squat for long but I still love it and enjoy the practice despite having to get out of it pretty quickly! My crow is grounded, as always, as I just don't understand how you can put your knees on your arms and have it not hurt?

  6. I am in love with this weight loss series, how they are designed to listen to our body all along and indeed they seem to affect my silhouette more effectively than others of your videos. Thank you <3

  7. HI ADRIENE! I am completing this at the cottage again, not my cottage but a very close friends cottage and it's FILLED with so many different people! I laughed at overhearing one of my friends for saying to my other friend "Julia's in there doing yoga" I was so happy and proud of it, laughing at myself that I used to keep these kinds of things so secret. I am going through a lot right now, but sticking it out. I'm 22 and feel like my whole life is moving so differently than it was before, but I think thats normal. My body surprises me everyday, like today with my crow pose (I held it for so long!) and I'm so proud of my body for doing its thing. Thank you for this amazing practice. Lots of love, <3 Namaste <3

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