1 Hour Weight Loss Yoga Workout For Beginners. Full Body Yoga Class At Home




  1. I am clearly a little late in doing these videos but I am sooo happy I came across these videos! I have never done yoga but I truly enjoyed this video. It hurt…and was really hard (I am in no way flexible) but I can tell this video will help with it. I'm more used to long workouts. I'm excited to see what else is out there in the yoga world!

  2. Wonderful video! I really like all the stretching during the workout and not just at the end. I vote for longer workouts. So if you are thinking about making another hour long video, I would really like that. 🙂

  3. I have severe PCOS and hormonal imbalance and suddenly I was 80 kgs for the first time in my life. I lost 8 kgs in 2 months thanks to your video. Now I again wanted to get back to yoga, and couldn’t find anything better than this one. I absolutely love this video and you are a wonderful trainer making it really comfortable to push your self for that one hour. Thanks for everything.

  4. Thank you so much for this yoga session
    Am from India and tried it for the very first time…
    Sweating like hell and am happy that i could do at least 32minutes
    Next day will do more

  5. Hello! I am a new yogi who could not afford to go to her favorite yoga studio anymore. I decided to look up some beginner yoga workouts on YouTube for my apartment and I came across yours. In the studio, I was doing 1 hour classes so I am used to that BUT you worked me out girl! This was definitely a lot more challenging, which I am grateful for because it feels like I actually did get exercise the whole time. Keep up the amazing videos!

  6. I really love this one hour class 🙂 I haven't done yoga in a long time and it was a really nice not that easy class (which i prefer ). and the happy baby pose was more easy and felt better at the end of the class 🙂 thank you for this video !!

  7. This is very well done. The best part is your clear verbal descriptions, which enabled me to focus on the yoga and not have to look away from the pose to compare my pose to the video.

  8. This is my first long workout video, i usually limit myself to 30 minutes but this was worth a try. i did about 75% coz I couldnt achieve some of the harder poses like the side plank, really hard for me. I loved the video and i'll try to get to 100% with time.
    P.S: my favourite colour is turqouise blue I like sunny days and rainy nights which is what is currently happening where am from, near the Kenyan capital. Amyway, it seems am a little late in the game, the last comment is like a year old, wow.

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