Yoga Workout For Weight Loss ♥ Pilates-Yoga Fusion | Peru




  1. Just finished doing this with my 4 year old daugther.

    Thank you for the video! I remember early last year, I was about to start doing fitness again (for the first time in YEARS) and Boho Beautiful was the one I followed for 'easy yoga for beginners'. I was so unfit back then but now, WOW! I'm still no pro but I do believe I've come a long way. Thank you Boho Beautiful for being part of this journey of mine. =D

  2. Every time I️ have a stressful day, or whenever I️ feel like my life is a mess. Or even when my life is together, but somehow I️ just FEEL all over the place, having a cluttered mind, and feeling stressed (even when I️ don’t know what’s stressing me out), I️ always go back to SPECIFICALLY BOHO BEAUTIFUL’S Pilates and yoga workouts. And every. Single. Time. I️t solves my problems 🙂 so thank you

  3. Thank you for this! Just a quick request/suggestion/whatnot: it would be really nice to enjoy at least part of savasana in silence without the voiceover. I get pretty easily distracted from fully relaxing because there's literally someone talking to me while I'm trying to do so. And it seems many YT yoga teachers have this habit of talking over savasana. Anyways, just throwing that out there 🙂

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