Yoga Weight Loss Challenge Day 3! Fat Burning 20 Minute Workout Beginners & Intermediate




  1. I love the idea of the challenge but wish the instructions are clearer for example the breathing and also placement of the legs. But I really appreciate these videos still.

  2. There are many factors in using yoga reduce weight. One place I discovered that succeeds in merging these is the Betwans yoga blog (google it if you're interested) it's the most incredible blueprint that I have ever seen. Check out all the awesome information .

  3. big like sweet lades.. it is amazing program to lose weight, without causing pain to knee.
    that is top great. thanks a lot.
    but how many calories could be burned with this challenge??

  4. I feel so strong, peaceful and happy after doing yoga. Joy, you remind me of all of the good things in my life. I watch your videos and just want to be friends with you 😄

  5. hey joy, I've been following your fitness challenge since two weeks. I'm confused that how many times should we repeat each part , to reduce our weight!! I'm doing each part for four days and then proceed to next part. is that correct?

  6. Hi Joy im enjoy yor yoga channel…. i leave my routine excercise bcs im too busy with my job for 10years and till now i gained 16kg (from 48kg to 64kg)…so it's the biggest stressing for me and i got tired after finish my work also being lazy to moving or doing any excercise..i feel my body very thigh and so stif ..but after i see your video's i decided to do it often to get rid my body fat especialy my arms and thick its drove me stress whenever i see my weigh going up and up….and i hope i will lost wy weigh till 10kg…and comaback like my old time and get ligh weigh

  7. I love these videos! I am not flexible plus I got a knee injury and my spine is slightly curved. Yoga helps me so much to ease the pain yet it's hard to find videos I can follow along! but I've been able to do all of these videos and poses (except for the downward dog in the previous vid ;_;). Thank you so much!

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