Yin Yoga (FULL Class) with Travis Eliot




  1. How the fuck can I focus on what I'm feeling if I'm listening to a fucking lecture? Westerners and there silly yoga practices haha, man, get the fuck out

  2. Thanks for this wonderful video, this felt pretty much like going to a great yin yoga class in my own home. Absolutely loved the focus on the hips, it was apparently exactly what I needed!

  3. Great mixture of poses. I suggest less talking and more space of quiet. Some ideas were good to ponder but too much time spent expanding on stories and filling the space with talking.

  4. That was THE most fabulous yin sequence I have ever done. I feel amazing, Travis you are simply incredible thank you so much for making this available to the rest of us we appreciate the gift sincerely my friend.

  5. Thank you very much for this really nice Yin Yoga class! At some point it is so hard to stay still in the poses instead of moving, and just at that moment you mention it, which is really reassuring:) Thank you! Have a wonderfull day!

  6. I am researching the different types of yoga and of course it is quite overwhelming but this seems to be exactly where I need to begin. I do lift weight 3-5 times a week and I lift pretty heavy. The more muscle I build the more flexibility I lose. I want to incorporate yoga into my meditative practices and this seems perfect to increase my flexibility and target my joints. Is this recommended for weight lifters?

  7. Awesome class, i really enjoyed 🙂
    Just want to ask u about the upper body, because it was a lot hip opener and stuff but my body was asking me for shoulder openers and chest, like more asanas to open the heart.
    BTW is the first time that i practice yin yoga
    Thank u for sharing :*

  8. Hello Travis, I have a simple question could you please do a 30 to 45 minute daily yoga exercise? Either cross train, yin yoga, hands free…the one that would be the easiest to do. I really like you as a mentor, you are amazing! ..Thank you!

  9. I am so grateful to have found this video. I've been trying different classes in my community. Nothing seemed to be working for me because my head is always exploding with debt, politics, relationship, etc, chatter. I could never relax enough. But this class brilliantly integrates valuable information about the poses that kept me focused on the poses rather than the extraneous chatter. So great. Thank you for sharing yourself, your class and your knowledge with all of us.

  10. Has anyone considered that it is not Travis talking the brings irritation but an hour worth of hip openers? He's trying to keep his students from imploding. Lol…. Irritation and hip openers can be best friends, his advice is solid

  11. I've had terrible pain & weakness in my left hip for 2 weeks. Though I tried several hip flexor stretches that I found online, I had no relief. I thought there might be permanent damage! I decided to try this (Travis's) Yin Yoga class in the comfort and quiet of my own home last night… It is amazing! Not only did I sleep like a baby last night with dreams of Care Bears dancing thru my head, but the pain & weakness in my left hip is GONE! Very grateful that you've shared this with the world, Travis. THANK YOU!

  12. What a wonderful video. Thank you so much for this class of Yin Yoga which I did tonight for the first time but will do now rather often. I love your gentle "flow" through the postures, the deep insights you offer during the asanas with a really calming voice. Thanks for a wonderful hour of going inside myself.

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