Weight Loss Yoga Day 4 Challenge! Fat Burning 20 Minute Workout Beginners & Intermediate




  1. Hi Joy, I have started all 4 of your yoga videos for the last two days, stopped doing yoga for a while but now come back to it and loving your videos, they are short but EFFECTIVE! After two days I can feel the stretches, with your fun comments you make the exercises enjoyable to do. Thank you so much and Stay Blessed x

  2. Thank you so much you won't believe how happy these videos have made me I hate exercise it hurts me to badly with my shape but I can actually enjoy this n I've lost two pounds in just a week thank u so much

  3. OMG I AM IMPRESSED WITH THE AMOUNT OF SWEAT!!! I did it twice in a row, such a complete workout. LOVED THIS. Day ONE and Four are my faves so far. Ive doing these 1,2,3,4 the whole week! ( But doing the first 3 days in a row to feel like I really worked out) Keep it up!!

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