Weight Loss – Useful Yoga | Tonic




  1. I started taking Weight Loss Green Store Tea 4 days ago and I have already lost 4lbs! I have altered my eating habits but not drastically. Also, I don't workout being a stay at home mom of 2 so I know its the tea working !

  2. I love this routine but can't help but feel that a yoga/workout video isn't an appropriate place to put an advert every ten minutes. It totally interrupts the flow and leaves you hanging in awkward positions sometimes while you wait for it to finish, which sadly does put me off using this video.

  3. I don't know if you still make these videos but I love them so much! Can you please make a useful yoga for blocked ears? I could really really use it as I have it a lot 🙂

  4. So far so good. I lost about 4 pounds in 3 weeks. I spoke with Sara at Weight Loss Green Store Tea and she answered all of my questions and was very pleasant. I received a free bottle a few days later. Hopefully I will continue to lose weight.

  5. Maaaaaaaan totally loved this! Your speech is a great balance between soothing and engaging and your accent is really neat. This was also the perfect speeds, not too fast but also not dwelling. You're awesome ^.^

  6. hi Guys i just wanted to know if there are like yoga video's for the first timers who would know which poses are nice to start with, i know you guys have the index but that's just the poses i would be nice to have like a starter video.

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