Beginners Yoga Meltdown for Detox & Weight Loss Part 2, Fat Burning Workout Routine




  1. Sweet baby Jeeeezus… I'm like really outta, or just super stiff. This was Really hard for me. I'm such a gym rat/jock and im trying the get out of the gym and mix up my workouts but good Lordt… Gimme some pull-ups and a deadlift. That camel pose kicked my butt!! And right when she says "relax your face" , this was literally meeee! 😢 😥😥😫

  2. Great class!😊 beautiful yoga teacher 😊
    Definitely for beginners and someone who lost touch with basic 😁, I like your voice and the way you guiding into asana. Always love to learn!!! Namaste ✌🌼

  3. Look great. Im new to yoga. Tonight I tried to watch a few other instructors. They don't hold a candle to you in personableness and teaching ability. It's not really a sport but my thing is the martial art of Aikido. I think you'd like it. I think I'll be sticking with you for awhile. Thank you.

  4. You're the best yoga instructor ever, Erica! I love how you don't leave anything out in your explanations and still go fast enough to not disrupt the flow. I would love to see kickboxing incorporated as well 😀

  5. I love you Erica! You are incredible!!! I will write you soon cause I have so much to say! But for now: THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH!!! I have 2 weeks working on your yoga and I am totally in love!!! Question: Where is PART 1 of this Workout??? NAMASTE*

  6. I started with lots of mixed martial arts practices then I moved to yoga in my 30s the heal the parts of my body that already hurt. It is interesting that you are going the other way around.

  7. Erica, you really are the best instructor! You always take the time to explain every yoga move in a way that you will not hurt yourself. Now I have become a yoga lover! Can you please make more videos, as I try and do one of your videos every day? Thank you for making yoga easy and fun!

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