SURYA NAMASKAR YOGA for weight loss , glowing skin for beginners | Yoga for quick weight loss




  1. Hi Anwesha…. ur videos are very helpful.. am a fan of urs… Actually I have question on doing yoga especially Surya Namaskar… Can I do Surya Namaskar ,brisk walking while trying to get pregnant (ttc).
    please guide me..

  2. When ever we win and I mean truly succeed, when we rise above we become much more formidable as people, we enter a brand new phase and then you can actually change. This change regardless of which it could be and for reasons yet unknown, is what makes you more powerful as a person. Get to grips with the transformation and consequently let’s in unison render 2018 the greatest year of our lifetimes!

  3. Hi Mam, Can you do one video on your weight loss journey from Start to end till now Including some before and after pics. I know you have too much busy schedule but will be waiting for that one video. I am following all your video including exercise and makeup too, I have also joined gym. Thank your so much. God bless you….you are helping everyone to achieve their dream shape. Keep motivating us. Thanks

  4. hai dr…my height 166cm and my weight 68.7..i need to loss my weight nearly 10kgs..when I loss hope used to watch your following all but still my weight same.. pls give me some more would be helpful…then I have a doubt am doing Isha yoga daily mrg.. when can i do this Surya namaskar…??

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