Sweat Lodge Yoga Shapeshift Vinyasa MMA Cardio Metabolism Weight Loss




  1. WOW this was the best YouTube yoga video Iโ€™ve ever done. The most challenging too. Just what my body needed thank you. I couldnโ€™t even keep up you are incredible. I look forward to doing this again

  2. Ali, this is an awesome class! I have been wanting to do it for so long and never found the time. So glad I did! Perfect flow and balance on all levels. Loved it for a Sunday afternoon! Love you always!

  3. Very fun and very challenging. I now understand why you call it sweat lodge ๐Ÿ™‚ I took a three days rest (mostly due to school work) and I surprisingly felt stronger today–like my body was excited to move and play and work HARD.

    At the very end I had to close my eyes. I was not expecting 50 min in to do more jumps haha. But I got through it and really enjoyed the mantra at the end, "inner seeing, open mind, clear communication, open heart." You have no idea how much you have helped me, Ali. Light and love. I hope the end of your pregnancy is treating you well ๐Ÿ™‚ that was my favorite time with both my kids… I felt so beautiful having that full belly of life. My daughter was two weeks late but I just surrendered it it and thought, "when it's the right time she'll come." I hope that encourages you– I know many women start feeling impatient and uncomfortable at the end.

  4. Good class but a little much for this 61 year old yogi๐Ÿ˜Š I modified whenever I wasn't able to do the moves. I have some tendons issues in my left wrist & arm. Can you create a cardio class with less stress on the wrist? I did burpies when I couldn't do some of the jumping moves.

  5. I loooove this class! so fun and innovating! Im looking for more flows like this, with a lot of cardio and buckets of sweat, could anyone recommend me some similar clases? Thanks!

  6. This is my favourite class after a couple of times doing it I can now keep up the whole way! Love your classes Ali, thank you so much for sharing. Please do more Sweatlodge classes they are great! Xxx

  7. I am speechless…mainly due to the fact that I just expended so much energy that I am too sweaty and tired to talk. We went through so many variations of jump, kick, pushup, lunge that I will leave it for you to discover which is your favorite. I will warn you though this is a true 2/3 level with heavy emphasis on the 3 level. I am a seasoned veteran of Ali Kamenova Interval Yoga…a seasoned yogi with decades of practice…and I just barely eeked my way through to the end. When we got to the second set of pigeon…I almost cried with relief…but of course we still had a few more power sets to do after that! I will say though…as you can tell by the decades comment that I am pretty old (age being relevant)…and I was able to do that class. Do you know why? Because after 4 years (in February) of yoga with Ali…great-grandma or not…I am as strong as a lumberjack. I have been doing those double push-up chatarangas for so long that they have become as easy as sneezing. I want to tell you that I do not have arm hammocks either…thank you Miss Kamenova for that…Anyway…I digress. If you are fueled up and ready to rumble…take this class on. I promise that you will NOT be disappointed. It is crazy good. Love you Ali…(Yikes Ali man! What was that?)

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