Yoga Flow For Weight Loss – For Beginners (25 Minute Power Yoga Basics)




  1. I really want to do this. Im a beginner and Ive started a blog to document my fitness and diet program and routines. Would you mind that I made mention of your video and channel in a post and included a screenshot from the intro? Here's a link to the post

    The screenshot is a clickable image that links to your video here on Youtube.

    And here' a link to the screenshot of the mention

    Hope thats ok. If not, let me know and I can remove it. Thanks for your sharing these great videos!

  2. Good workout, especially for those who don't think yoga is an activity for muscular men. I recommend better lighting, more inflection with the voice, and music. I would avoid the elevator/Yanni/easy listening variety and consider some smooth R&B.

  3. Great videos all of them so far. I have both books and been doing yoga as a warm up for about a year. The videos have taught me how I should be properly be doing the poses.

  4. I love a good yoga flow, and this was really good.  You explain the poses well enough that I actually hardly had to look at the screen, which is so helpful when trying to put in full effort.  There's enough challenge in this to make it a session that can be worked up to, I'm looking forward to doing it again.

  5. Been doing yoga for a while, now, via youtube.  And, now, trying to get back into it after I fell off track for a bit.  This was a good introduction back into it.  Not too difficult for a beginner, and enough challenge for someone who is returning to the scene and a good way to reintroduce some moves that one should work on.

  6. I had difficulty duplicating some of the poses.  The angle of the video shoot made it difficult to see exactly what was going on in some of the poses.  Also, nothing I would change, but I liked where you "wobbled" on some of the balance poses.  Too many times videos only show "perfect" flows/postures.

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