Yoga For Weight Loss & Fat Burning Workout – 30 Minute Beginners Flexibility Class – Day 2




  1. This is my second day and I jumped from the first video to the second video – I was surprised at the difference in intensity, but I feel so relaxed and I can feel my blood circulating through my legs for the first time in a long time. I love these! An your outfit was cute!~

  2. So I like the duo color. Couldn't say why.

    What I would like to see in the video is adaptations for hmmm…a more abundant person who's curves might get in the way, or someone who might have had a knee injury or carpal tunnel and has difficulty supporting oneself on handd or twisting legs in a certain ways. I could just choose not to do the moves that cause pain or tingling, but then what should I be doing instead?

  3. okay i cant find day three and when i click on it from the video it sends m back to day two so if someone could share the link for day 3 it would be gladly appericiated.

  4. not only do I feel relaxed but I feel GREAT and stretched and loose with body. I took a risk of doing day 1 and day 2 yoga in one night but I feel amazing thank youuuu!!!!!

  5. I used to be 445 lbs and recently lost 216 lbs. I was surprised I was able to keep up with some of the helpful modifications you mentioned. You made it fun and the time fly by, you kept my attention. You addressed a problem I always have by creating this wonderful video.
    I do have a question: I couldn’t last for the whole video, and had to stop 30 minutes in because my legs started to give out and shake a lot. Is that okay? I hope to strengthen my muscles to make it through the video. But I’m wondering if I did enough or I should have continued and just modify everything?

  6. Why do you keep asking about your hair and outfits? This is yoga! We appreciate you for being the wonderful spirit you are, and guiding us through a beautiful yoga routine, why focus on the superficial?

  7. You call basic sports bra and shorts an outfit lol. First of all, nobody cares, people are here for the yoga. Second, if you want to see cool sports outfits, check Rebecca Louise

  8. This is a great work out and for a beginning some of the poses require quite a bit of effort and work. I've read that yoga works wonders for the mind and body as the two are infinitely connected!

  9. I ❤️ your yoga sessions !! I'm back to yoga thanks to ur style of teaching. your voice soothes and carries it out without having to hear the repeat of a repetition. I'm a fan of the monochromatic- blue- it's unified and u stand out purposefully from the background! Looking forward to losing my weight. Thank you and can't wait till the day 3!!

  10. I really love your videos and your hair! Don't worry about your outfits we're not judging. 🙂 This video had me burning I enjoyed it, and looking forward to watching the rest of your videos for my journey on toning my body and learning more about yoga. Thank you so much. Namaste.

  11. so this is the second video I have checked out by you and in both videos you ask the audience to check you out in some way and give comments on what they think….what does that have to do with what you are doing? why do you care what people think of your hair or outfit? big turn off for me, seems really superficial.

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