Beginner Yoga Strength Basics, 15 Minute Practice with Kino




  1. I should have done this a week ago. I haven't done my yoga practice for a week except stretch pose and holding plank at the hotel. This was my last day before going back to LA but thank you so much for this mini practice! I'd love to see a full practice at some time 🙂 Where did you get those shorts from? I love them! Hope to see you in LA sometime :D

  2. Kino! I love this. I was looking for some new core work to do, and this is perfect. Thank you for posting and sharing your knowledge! You're amazing. Namaste!

  3. thank you so much for sharing these videos! it's awesome to practice with you. Would you recommend rotating through these videos each day or doing the same one over and over before moving to the next?

  4. Kino! I love how dedicated you are to your practice! I just started yoga two weeks ago and m roommate showed me your snapchat! When I wake up I like to hear what you have to say because you always start my day positively. I'm a college student and I deal with a lot of stresses and I found yoga as the only exercise that relaxes my body and mind! I love the positive person you are and the energy you give to the world and I'm glad to at least see that on social media. You keep doing you because there's tons of girls my age who think your great and strive to be like you! I've actually used a lot of your advice day to day when I'm dealing with family issues or school stresses! Thank you for being so strong and empowering! Wish I could visit one of your classes someday, so i think I'm putting that on the bucket list! You're great! Have a lovely day

  5. Ignore the haters Kino. I mean, as a self taught yogi, what would I have done without your videos? Your tutorials are not just "here do this", you actually go into detail about what the body is doing, and so what if your leg is behind your head or your toes in your hair! You are magnificent and unique and beautiful! Don't worry about what some ego driven man had to say haha. YOU ARE LOVED!

  6. (Out of breath) OK, I made to 7 minutes and 26 seconds. I can deal with that on my first try. 🙂  My next goal is to make the 10 minute mark. lol  Thank you for making these videos.

  7. just did it although lifting the legs while pushing the hips back is tough because of my wrists i did the entire vid ahah 🙂 Thanks Kino for your kindness.

  8. Thank you, Kino, for this video. I love what you said in this video! "Repetition and practice are the keys to the success of the journey of yoga. ….the journey of yoga is the reflection of life. "

  9. Thank you for all your videos. Do you have tips to control emotional eating? Since 2,5 years I'm recovering from a depression and anxiety. Yoga, meditation and walking with my dogs helps me a lot. But I have still problems with my eating habits (because of that a ad a lot of weight), one week I can really enjoy eating salads and smoothies. The other week I want to eat only junk food. I feel emotional and physical tiered then.

    Thank you for your time.

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