15 Min Yoga for Beginners w/ Sean Vigue – Beginner Yoga for Weight Loss, Strength, Flexibility




  1. First time trying yoga, I'm doing it to increase my overall flexibility and health.(in addition to strength training and H I I T) I struggled with most of these poses 😅….. will I get better from just continually trying these?

  2. Like this video Sean.  Been doing your video 2-4 times a week for about a month.  I'm hooked am going to try your intermediate ones.  Like your sense of humor.  Keep them coming my man, you're doing good work!

  3. Sir what ever you do keep doing! I have lived with back pain for years and I always thought it was to do with joints. But 10 mins of this i find this builds strenght and flexibility. Blood flow going all over. Namaste!

  4. This is my first day doing yoga and I think I did great thanks to your video. I'm a runner and I'm expecting yoga to help me improve doing my favorite sport. Thanks a lot.

  5. I went to the gym for years. But recently my chronic fatigue has been kicking my butt. I cannot do regular exercise because it really saps my energy and causes more fatigue. I am hoping yoga will be my answer to keeping fit. Thank you for being part of the HASfit family. I did do several of the regular exercise videos at the beginner level, but they were too taxing on my body. I enjoyed this beginner yoga video. I will press on with these videos.

  6. I used this as a post workout flow. after some major injuries I quit doing yoga about 5 years ago. I gained some weight and was really worried because I knew I wouldn't be able to do the poses I used to do. I liked very much how you showed the modified and then the full awesomeness poses. I found that some of the serious beginner poses were not difficult enough but others were, so having all the options laid out was awesome. blah blah blah lol simply put, great kicking off point for getting healthy again! Ill use this video as my go to.

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