Lose Weight In 4 Weeks || Week 1 – Day 2 || Surya Namaskar




  1. Hi … You are a very good teacher thanks for that, m a beginner and an mot able to touch the ground with my palms because of that my asanas are not perfect. Do I continue with the surya namaskar without touching the ground with my palms ? But I really wanna do surya namaskar every day .

  2. how many minutes or seconds to hold on for each sets? u only told 'for sometimes' .plz mention your SOMETIME. i am a begginer.i have never ever done yoga before .i will wait for your reply.thnx

  3. hello maam .. thank you for teching suryanamaskar in a easy way. But is it right to perform suryanamaskar during evening even if i had done in the morning?

  4. Hi! thank you for sharing the program. How many times should I repeat the complete surya namaskar on the second day? You didn't explain. And also, what is the expected weight loss after the four weeks? I will start tomorrow morning.

  5. Hello mam, the videos were helpful. Wishing to start yoga for reducing weight. I have a couple of questions please give me a reply.
    1. Wanted to know the actual time to do yoga.
    2. In the 4 week program of weight lose you have shown the exercises for only day 1, day 2, day 3. So, should I do it only for 3 days or continue the whole week?

  6. my body weight now become too much and I have tried everything and regularly I do 1 hr exercise now.M going tomarry soon nd want to loosemy weight soon . how manny tymes should I do suryanamaskar that I can loose atleast 10kg of my weight within  a month. Awaiting for your reply Shammi.

  7. I have a question..I have a slight knee injury, a small ligament tear on my left knee. Is it ok for me to do Suryanamaskar? Because doctors suggested me not to do any yoga, only swimming, to avoid further tear.
    Your advice will be very helpful… 

  8. Great video…but in the equestrian pose, some videos say ur knee should touch the ground with ur calf and foot flat.
    Whereas in ur video u do not touch knee to the ground at all. Which method is right?

  9. Great video…but in the equestrian pose, some videos say ur knee should touch the ground with ur calf and foot flat.
    Whereas in ur video u do not touch knee to the ground at all. Which method is right?

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