Day 4: Free 5 Day Workout Challenge for Busy People / Strength and Yoga Blend




  1. Hi Fitness blender, I love your workouts. I am a mom of a 20 month old baby and I want to get rid of belly fat. I have been doing this workout however my son was sick and I didn't continue. Should I start from day 1 again? Thanks. And the best for you guys.

  2. I just want you to know what a breath of fresh air both of you are! I can listen to your workouts over and over. You keep it real and down to earth. Other workouts are like listening to an infamercial and grade on my nerves. Thank you for being real life!

  3. The only thing about this one… i've done it 3 or 4 times now, I always have a hard time keeping up in the beginning strength portion and I sometimes have to pause and rewind to get my weight amounts changed up between exercises.

  4. Hey, for the bicep curls, why do you guys hold the dumbbells in different positions? Kelly is holding the palms facing each other and Daniel is holding the palms facing upwards. Does it use different muscles this way?

  5. @ Daniel or Kelli  well done for a fantastic job you are doing.
    please what is the name of the dumbbells kelli is using here?
    I'm on the power block website but unsure which of the dumbbells are suitable for a lady.

  6. One of my favorite workouts.  Great for early morning, light on the knees (my problem-need low impact everything), good quick upper body and yoga stretch.

  7. Hey … I did your work out it was really good one … just that… I got fever after doing 4th days work out … why did I get fever is there any reason ?

  8. Thank you, guys.  You rule!  This was a good workout, I don't have dumbbells, so I used my bands or just did the exercises without weight and it was still pretty challenging. I liked the yoga blend. These quick workouts are great for my schedule.  Thank you for getting up on a Saturday to do this and for giving these to us for free.  Shalon!

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